Wool of Art

Wool of Art


Wool of Art proizvodi su napravljeni od 100% vune. U slučaju da poprime neugodan miris dovoljno ih je ostaviti nekoliko sati na svježem zraku.

Wool of Art products are 100% wool. In case they get an unpleasant smell it is enough to leave them on the fresh air for a few hours.

Upute za pranje How to wash


Pripremite posudu s mlakom vodom u koju ćete dodati deterdžent namijenjen za vunu. Voda neka ne prelazi 30 Celzijevih stupnjeva. Uronite šal u posudu s vodom i deterdžentom te ostavite da odstoji nekoliko minuta tijekom kojih će se s vunenih niti odstraniti masnoća i prljavštine bez vaše pomoći.

Fill a container with lukewarm water and mix in the wool detergent. The temperature of the water should not be above 30 degrees Celsius. Submerse the scarf in the container and let it rest for a few minutes. During this time the grease and the dirt will be removed from the woolen threads, without a need for any additional action on your end.


Kad se voda ohladi šal izvadite iz vode i ubacite u posudu sa svježom hladnom vodom u kojoj ćete ostaviti tuš kako bi se barem tri puta promijenila cijela zapremina vode. Na taj način ćete ukloniti tragove sredstva za pranje.

Once the water gets cold take the scarf out of the container and place it into a new one with fresh cold water. Leave the water running into the new container until the water inside the container is changed 3 times. By doing so the detergent will be fully removed from scarf.


Na kraju zamotajte šal u veliki ručnik i pritišćite po cijeloj duljini kako bi potpuno izašla sva voda. Kad ste to završili svoj šal položite na vodoravnu površinu i pustite da se tako osuši. Proizvode dok su mokri nemojte vješati kako bi izbjegli mogućnost njihovog istezanja i deformacije.

In the end, wrap the scarf into a large towel and press along the entire length of the scarf to extract the remaining water. Once you are done leave the scarf in the horizontal position and let it dry. Do not hang the products when they are wet to avoid deforming and stretching them.


Šal je spreman za nošenje :)

*Upute za pranje su jednake i za sve ostale Wool of Art proizvode.

The scarf is ready for wearing :)

*Instructions are the same for all the other Wool of Art products.